One great thing about a holiday is that you already have a theme. I love themes! Themes give you color, food ideas, games and more! And, for the Fourth of July, you are about to set off some ROCKSTAR fireworks of your own! Grab your potato salad, fire up the grill, and light the pyrotechnics, it's time for the best birthday party of the year!
We generally head down to my in-law's lake house for the fourth of July. The lake Association puts on a decent fireworks display and we can watch them from around the campfire. We have several toddler's and some elementary children, so there needs to be a range of fun. Also, we are down there for the weekend, so I like to have several activities. Here are some of the ideas I have for Fourth of July fun.
1. Talk About It. Don't forget the "reason for the season". You've heard this before, don't miss an opportunity to educate your child. There are so many wonderful resources geared toward children. We picked these books from our local library:
Corouroy's 4th of July
Fourth of July Sparkly Sky
, and
Hats Off for the Fourth of July. 

I'm planning on reading a book a day over the weekend, so we can remember why we are all gathered together. Certainly, you can get a bit more educational, depending on the age of the children. I there are a ton of word searches and puzzles available on-line.
2. Make a Craft. There are several crafts available through
Oriental Trading Company, and they are very inexpensive. I found visors and puff star stickers for under $1/each. This is perfect for all ages. The kids get to wear them the rest of the summer and they block harmful UVA/UVB rays. I also found make-your-own flag magnets are
Jo Ann Etc. for 2/$1. Kids love crafts, so why not incorporate it into your party? The key is to have enough available so they don't get bored, while still giving them free time to play in the sand box, teeter totter, play cornhole, fish, kayak, go to the pool and swing.
3. Have a Parade. Have the children decorate their bikes, scooters, wagons, etc. with streamers, noise makers, flags, etc. and have a parade for all the parents. Paper streamers are very inexpensive and don't forget about those "old-fashioned" paper-chains we used to make in grade school!
4. Play Extreme Hula. This is my favorite. Get some red, white and blue helium-filled balloons from your local party store. Get a hula hoop (players can share one or you can have one for each person playing, whatever is available). Write different "point" denominations on each balloon (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 25...). Stagger the balloons in the yard close enough that the hula can reach it, but spread out enough that you won't ring two balloons at once. Each person takes a turn and tries to ring the balloon with their hula hoop. Have someone keep score. Now, you can vary this by either having every one throw a certain number of times, or set a timer and let people throw as many times at they want within a given time period. It depends on the age of your players.
5. Sing Songs. Teach a patriotic song like: Yankee Doodle, The Star Spangled Banner, Grand Old Flag, etc. You can also play these songs and let the children dance around.
There are so many other ways to incorporate Independence Day into your child's routine. Use patriotic coloring pages at crayon time. Use only red, white, and blue play-doh for the week. Have them wear red, white or blue. Make red, white and blue snacks or meals. While you're incorporating these things, talk to your child about patriotism, the USA, and the Fourth of July.
And, please, don't forget that any party needs really ROCKIN' food! I am always very flattered when one of my family members requests a dish that I make. Especially when they tell me that they've tried to make it, but it "just doesn't taste as good." Encore! Encore! However, I get a bit bored making the same things. We all have a favorite song, but every once in a while we have to change the station.
The Fourth of July is one of those times where you can have all the favorites (baked beans, potato salad, pasta salad, watermelon...), but put your own spin on it to really ROCK. Here are a few recipes and serving ideas that will ROCK your Independence Day. If you are having a carry-in, challenge your guests to only bring red, white and blue dishes!
CELEBRATION CUPCAKES (My own recipe! Enjoy!)
Description: white cupcakes with strawberry filling, butter cream icing, with a sugared, blueberry star on top. Sound yummy? Here's how you do it:
You will need:
White Cake Mix
Large Instant White Chocolate Pudding
Strawberry Pie Filling
Filling Pastry Tip
Pastry Bag
Buttercream Icing (I follow the
Wilton recipe)
1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine softened
1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (approximately 1 lb.)
2 tablespoons milk
Makes: About 3 cups of icing
Use a white cake mix, add a package of vanilla pudding.
Bake cupcakes according to package directions.
I always set my timer for 15 minutes and watch.

**Remember that cupcakes will continue to bake a bit after they are removed from the oven; however, if they aren't cooked enough, they will sink in the middle!**
I found these star-studded cupcake liners at Jo Ann's for $1/ 50 count.
Double up on your liners, so the color stays vibrant.
After the cupcakes are thoroughly cooled, it's time to fill them.
Fit your pastry bag with the
Wilton 230 Filling Tip.
Fill the pastry bag with Strawberry Pie Filling.
Insert the tip directly into the center of the cake and apply slow pressure, filling the cupcakes.
- I usually do a 3 second count.
Mix your icing, and frost your cupcakes, as desired. I like to pipe my icings on.
Place your iced cupcakes in an air tight container and store them in the fridge while you make the cookie toppers.
You will need:
Your favorite cut-out cookie recipe (mine follows)
Small Star Cookie Cutter
White or Blue sugar sprinkles
This cut-out cookie recipe has been in my family for years. So long, the index card is yellow and has remnants of cookies past. You know it's good!
1 C butter, softened
1 1/2 C confectioner's sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp almond extract (if you don't like almond, substitute vanilla)
2 3/4 C flour
1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt
Cream the butter, sugar, egg and vanilla together until smooth.
Add remaining ingredients.
Chill, in air tight container, for 1 hour
Use confectioner's sugar to flour your working space.
Roll chilled dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut out your star shaped cookies. I used the star from my
Pampered Chef Creative Cutters
Place your blueberry in the center, pushing down gently, and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake, ungreased cookie sheet, 350 degrees, 8-10 minutes.
Cool thoroughly.
To finish, just stick the two lower points of the star into the frosted cupcake. Assemble cookies just before serving because the buttercream will soften the cookie.
I am also serving up good ol' fashioned caramel corn, but I'm putting a ROCKSTAR twist on it by serving it up in paper cones that are sized just right for little hands!
CARAMEL CORN (on behalf of Karo)
Cooking Spray
4 quarts popped popcorn
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup Karo® Light OR Dark Corn Syrup
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter OR margarine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon Spice Islands® Pure Vanilla Extract
Spray a large shallow roasting pan with cooking spray. Add popcorn and place in preheated 250°F oven while preparing caramel.
Mix brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and salt in a heavy 2-quart saucepan. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat.
Boil 5 minutes WITHOUT STIRRING. Remove from heat. Stir in baking soda and vanilla.
Pour syrup mixture over warm popcorn, stirring to coat evenly.
Bake for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from oven and spread on foil that has been sprayed with cooking spray.
Cool; break apart. Store in tightly covered container.
Heavy Card Stock
Double sided tape
Other embellishments, if desired
I located the template for the cone on the Internet. Just google "Paper Cone Template". I previewed the templates by searching "Images" and clicking on the picture of the template that met my needs.

Start by tracing the template and cutting out your cone. I shaped mine in my hand before adding any adhesive, so I could see how it would line up.
I added ribbon to the inside of mine, so it would hang out the hole in the bottom of the cone.
Apply your double sided tape to the side of the cone that will end up on the inside of your cone.

Wrap the cone and press the tape down securely.
Add a second piece of double sided tape to secure the edge of the cone that ended up on the outside (so it doesn't stick up).
Add any additional embellishments to the outside.
Fill your cones and enjoy! Here's my finished project. Display them in a deep container or punch two holes on opposite sides of your cone, string a ribbon through the holes, and hang them for display as well.

Here are a few more recipes you might like to try for your Independence Day party.
STAINED GLASS JELLO (the Food Librarian used purple and yellow, but use red and blue for the 4th!)
PRETZEL SPARKLERS (use white chocolate and red and blue sprinkles)
Color tint milk, use strawberries and blueberries on top of ice cream, make blueberry pancakes and have strawberry syrup and whipped cream, make sugar cookies and sprinkle them with red and blue. (Make them all star shaped for a really great display!)