I promise, I will NOT fill this blog with product reviews...unless you want me to. After travelling to the zoo today with my kiddos and using two of my favorite items, I felt compelled to share them with you.
We all want to protect our kids by keeping them safe and healthy, right? That's why we put them in carseats, sneak vegetables into recipes, teach them to sing their ABCs while washing their hands, and put plastic things in our electrical outlets that make us work up a sweat when we need to iron. It's part of our job description as parents. When my girls were born, I think the nurse made me raise my right hand and take an oath while still under the effects of anesthesia.
If I could narrow the list down to two (just two) ways I diligently keep my girls safe and healthy it would be: sunscreen and protection against germs.

Sunscreen: rain or shine, it's important. Maybe it's because I have fair skin and remember the horrible sunburn I got in grade school. I was having a play-date with one of my friends and her mother dropped us off at the country club pool for the day. I still remember the wind coming through the sunroof and slicing through my shoulders on the ride home. I now have annual dermatologist exams to make sure my freckles aren't anything worse. There is nothing worse than trying to put sunscreen on your child's face and having it drip (or them rub it) into their eye. That's why I am totally sold on
Coppertone Water Babies Sunscreen Stick
. It's sort of like rubbing a glue stick around your child's face (they are about the same size, too!)
It doesn't really have much of a smell and isn't heavy on the skin. It's also not sticky or clumpy after application. I'm usually able to find it at Wal-mart for under $4.00 and keep one in my purse and one in the diaper bag. It's so easy, my 6 year old has put it on her sister's face without any problem. (Even ROCKSTARS need a couple extra hands once in awhile. )

Protection against germs: 'nuff said, it's important. Tomorrow our oldest child is getting her tonsils out. I think we have had a running prescription of antibiotics since she was a baby. It started as ear infections and developed into chronic strep throat. Needless to say, this left our work/life balance out of balance. Too many mornings we reviewed daily or weekly schedules and called family members to see if they could drop everything to help out. Well, say hello to my little friend...
Lysol Disinfectant Spray ~ Travel Size. I first received this little can of protection in the diaper bag given by my OB/GYN and I never leave home without it. It's 1.0 ounces and it's just a bit larger than the
Coppertone Water Babies Sunscreen Stick
. I don't have to cringe every time my child climbs up onto that public toilet and scoots the t.p. I just spent 20 minutes covering the seat with. I spray the seat, let it sit for about 30 seconds and then wipe it with some clean t.p. (You don't want your kid's bum wet from Lysol, do you?) I still throw some t.p on the seat, but I feel a lot more confident when my child is scooting around on the public porcelain throne.