The 4-1-1 volunteered. Now what? You search the web aimlessly...okay, frantically, for that perfect something to show your child (and the world) how special they are. Send in ordinary cupcakes- out of the question. Store bought - never! But, you also don't want to repeat what the last mother matter how fantastic.

You have just entered the mind-set of the "ROCKSTAR" parent.

Pretty soon, mothers and fathers will be saying "How did you do that?" and "That's so cool!" or "Mmmmm, delicious! I MUST have the recipe!" Before you know it, you will be called upon so regulary for contribution that you will almost hear the crowd cheering and see your name in lights!

That's exactly what my road to stardom was like. But, it didn't end at kid functions. Nope. My family and friends noticed the extra-special attention I gave to gatherings. Whether it was a weekend at the lake or Thanksgiving dinner, there was always something extraordinary to make my loved ones feel exactly that~ loved. So, my input is regularly given and I love it!

Within this blog you will hear just about everything; including successes AND failures. (Afterall, you don't have to be perfect to ROCK!!) Favorite recipes, party ideas, ways to save time and $$$ - you name it. A lot of things are pulled from the Ultimate Resource Guide (aka "the www"); but, others are my own tricks. The beauty is that it's all right here.

Are you ready to ROCK??

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Even ROCKSTARS need a break

We are all entitled to some grown-up time.  I'm not talking about those 5 minutes with the bedroom door locked...I'm talking about conversation that doesn't begin with "Mom" or end with "why".  Adult interaction, people!  It's okay to want some time away from your kiddos. That break is well-deserved and gives you extra umph to keep ROCKIN'.

When my girlfriends and I get together, I like to make a fruity concoction that makes us all feel a little special.  Who wants to be choaking down that first beer until your taste buds are numb?  No way! This time is precious and I want something smooth and girly.   It's a simple recipe that I will forever be thanking my girlfriend, Julie, for.

  • 1 bottle Blackberry Merlot
  • 1 jug Sunny Delight
  • 1 cup white sugar
1 part Merlot / 1 part Sunny D, stir in your sugar. 
You can add more Merlot or cut back on the sugar, if you'd like.

I have made this for many occasions.  I usually serve it in a glass beverage container and slice limes, oranges, and lemons into it.  I just like things pretty like that!