It took me less than a week to figure out I needed a plan when it came to lunch. Being a new SAHM, $2.25 was not going to happen on a daily basis. (I don't know about you, but the more money I save means the longer I get to stay home with my kids. It's all about job security!) This is what I learned the first week. 1) Don't ever ask the open ended question: "What do you want to pack for lunch?" without having your cupboards stocked with every food imaginable. And, 2) If you ask that question be prepared to hear a string of junky, sugary snacks come out of your child's mouth.
Here's my solution.
I made 4 columns
- Main
- Fruit
- Veggie
- Dessert
Each evening she selects one item from each column and we pack her lunch, so it's ready to go the next morning.
This is really a simple concept, but it saves time, money, and energy! ROCK on!